Facing Dark Times: Vikhadi Velaa Prophecy in Ismaili Ginan | Waez by Abu Ali

Описание к видео Facing Dark Times: Vikhadi Velaa Prophecy in Ismaili Ginan | Waez by Abu Ali

In this compelling Ismaili Waez, Alwaez Rai Abu Ali dives into the concept of Vikhadi Velaa (a bitter or dark time) as prophesied by Pir Sayyid Imam Shah in the Ginan Aparam Jare Avshe Ne Vasela Ujadshe. Missionary Abu Ali unpacks the deeper meanings and predictions surrounding this period, sharing insightful stories and spiritual guidance. This Waez includes historical references, Farmans, Ismaili Duas, and explanations from the Ismaili tradition that help listeners understand how to approach challenging times with faith. Tune in to learn about Vikhadi Velaa, Ismaili teachings, and timeless wisdom from Pir’s predictions in Ismaili Ginan.

In this waez by Abu Ali, learn about the Vikhadi Velaa Prophecy in Ismaili Ginan. Discover the significance of this dark time in Ismaili history.
Discover the Vikhadi Velaa prophecy in this powerful Waez by Abu Ali. Dive into the deep meaning of the Ismaili Ginan and find solace in times of darkness

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