Align and Install a BGA with Hot Air

Описание к видео Align and Install a BGA with Hot Air

Here is a quick video on how to align and install a BGA component. The component had lead solder for this demonstration. Read below for the step by step procedure:

1. Take two strips of Kapton tape.
2. Place the component down where you believe it is aligned and mark the board where the tape should go.
3. Place a strip of tape over a toothpick, or something similar, and with the toothpick, place the tape down where you marked the border.
4. Remove the toothpick and squeeze the bump so it doesn't expand too much during the heat up.
5. Repeat this procedure with the other strip of tape, creating a corner for the component to press up against during the heat up.
6. Apply flux to the pads.
7. Place the component on the pads where you feel it is aligned and begin heating.
8. The temperature and time of the heat up should be in accordance with the component's size and solder type.
9. Use a pair of tweezers to push the component against the border you've created.
10. Heat until all solder has reflowed.
11. Wait until the component has cooled to remove the tape.
12. Clean the area as needed.


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