Discover Hatha Yoga Books & Indian Philosophy

Описание к видео Discover Hatha Yoga Books & Indian Philosophy

Anyone who has studied yoga philosophy will likely have encountered the Yoga Sūtras or Bhagavad Gītā. For many, this is where the journey into yoga’s deeper wisdom teachings begins. And while these two wonderful texts are more than enough for a lifetime of study, a question of the curious student lingers: what else is out there?

The truth is that we are in a golden age of yogic study. Many previously unavailable Sanskrit yoga texts have been or are being currently translated, giving devoted yoga students a greater opportunity to understand and honor the yoga tradition more comprehensively through textual study.

But what are these other seminal texts of the yoga tradition, and what are they all about? In this seminar, we will survey some of the most important texts of the yoga tradition – many of which may be entirely new to you.

The purpose of this seminar is not to overwhelm you with all that you haven’t studied. It is intended to introduce you to the range of possibilities for yoga philosophical study, and to encourage and inspire those who are already curious and fascinated by the possibility of engaging with ancient texts of yogic wisdom.

To join the Sādhana School, as we discuss it in the seminar, go here:


To deepen your knowledge of yoga philosophy, grab our Yoga Philosophy Reading List, a curated PDF of all the books that will give you a comprehensive overview of the yoga philosophical traditions.


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