📌 Expert Guidance: Building Revenue Through Meta Ads 📌

Описание к видео 📌 Expert Guidance: Building Revenue Through Meta Ads 📌

Are you ready to decipher the complex world of Meta ads?
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In this episode of Business Banter, Casey Eberhart and Caren Glasser talk with Rob Alfano & Lynne Alfano about key strategies and insights from their new book.

Things you will learn:
-📌 The pros and cons of advertising on TikTok and Snapchat
-📌 How to use Meta ads to grow your business
-📌 Effective techniques for building and leveraging email lists
-📌 The real value of impressions versus actual engagement in advertising
-📌 Tips for moving potential customers from social media to your email list for better lead management

Tune in to get practical advice and clarify your Meta marketing efforts!

👉👉👉👉👉 Grab the book "Zuck My Life" on Amazon ----- https://amzn.to/490yGcV

#metaads #BusinessBanter #ZuckMyLife

00:00 Consultant discusses challenges with Instagram and Facebook.
04:17 Facebook and Instagram best for small business advertising.
07:16 Pre-advertising planning crucial for successful marketing.
10:25 Facebook ads offer more customization and reach.
13:47 Streamline connecting leads to CRM using Zapier.
19:03 Starting out without CRM, use lead center.
20:48 Target specific audiences, track, and measure effectiveness.
25:27 Viewing social media as feeding a fish.
28:19 Provide lead magnet for true value leads.
30:01 Data ownership is key for business success.
33:13 Marketing essential for different types of industries.
37:48 Paper's power in marketing still needs action.
38:28 Building Facebook group to 370k excluding emails.
42:48 Paid media on Facebook is essential.
46:47 Facebook limits features to improve user experience.
50:49 Lessons learned from working at Facebook.
52:12 Grateful for chat, ready to try marketing.

📌 Fun Fact: Did you know that business spelled backwards is ssenisub

👉👉👉 Grab the book "Zuck My Life" on Amazon ----- https://amzn.to/490yGcV

👉 Join the Facebook Community:   / expandthebusiness  

Connect with Caren Glasser:
Website: https://www.CarenRecommends.com
Instagram:   / carenglasser  
Facebook:   / caren.glasser  

Connect with Casey Eberhart:
YouTube: http://www.CaseyOnVideo.com
Instagram:   / casey.eberhart  
Facebook:   / caseyeberhart  
Grab Casey's Networking tips: https://www.PowerNetworkingTips.com

Connect with Rob & Lynne
Website: http://www.zuckmylife.com
Instagram: @robandlynnealfano

👉👉👉👉 Grab the book "Zuck My Life" on Amazon ----- https://amzn.to/490yGcV

📌 Subscribe to Business Banter: http://www.BusinessBanterOnVideo.com
📌 Join the community: http://www.BusinessBanterShow


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