SwiftUI MVVM: Building a Secure Change Password UI with REST API Calling for Taxi App #61

Описание к видео SwiftUI MVVM: Building a Secure Change Password UI with REST API Calling for Taxi App #61

Discover how to create a robust Change Password UI in your SwiftUI MVVM-based taxi app for iOS, complete with REST API calling for seamless password updates. This tutorial guides you through the process of designing an intuitive interface and integrating it with backend services to enhance app security.

📝 Highlights:

UI Design: Design a sleek and user-friendly Change Password screen using SwiftUI components for a seamless user experience.
REST API Integration: Integrate REST API calls seamlessly into your SwiftUI MVVM app to securely communicate with the backend for password updates.
ViewModel Implementation: Implement ViewModel logic to manage user input and API calls effectively, following the MVVM architecture pattern.
Error Handling: Implement error handling mechanisms to provide informative feedback to users in case of password change failures.
Security Considerations: Ensure secure transmission and storage of passwords by adhering to best practices in API communication.

🔍 What's Covered:

Designing an intuitive Change Password screen with SwiftUI components.
Implementing ViewModel logic to handle user input and trigger REST API calls for password updates.
Managing loading states and displaying appropriate messages during API calls.
Handling errors and providing informative feedback to users in case of password change failures.

🖥️ Features:
Equip iOS developers with the knowledge and skills to implement a secure Change Password feature in their SwiftUI MVVM-based taxi app, enhancing both security and user experience.

Github Source Code: https://github.com/codeforany/taxi_ap...

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UI UX App Design by: Zikar Patel

🔗 Relevant Hashtags:
#SwiftUI #iOSDevelopment #ChangePassword #MVVM #RESTAPI #SwiftUITutorial #PasswordSecurity #MobileAppDevelopment #ErrorHandling #UserExperience


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