Filter Data in Dropdown Lists - UiPath Apps Tutorial Part 02

Описание к видео Filter Data in Dropdown Lists - UiPath Apps Tutorial Part 02


THIS WEEK: Filter Data in Dropdown Lists - UiPath Apps Tutorial Part 02

In the Part 01 installment of this video, we covered a basic example on how to filter data in multi-selected drop down controls. However, this was just one of the many options covered, and it left several other considerations including those related to data access yet to be addressed.
In the Part 02 video, we cover these considerations one step at a time.

The intent of this session is to give audience enough knowledge beyond the basic examples to build Apps that they may be able to deploy in their real-world environments.

Part 2 covers the following:

1. 00:19 PROLOGUE
2. 01:24 Open Vs Closed Data Apps
3. 04:37 Closed Data App (Demo)
4. 07:58 Implementing Closed Data Feature
5. 15:01 Passive Closed Data Feature
6. 17:51 THE BAD FIX!
7. 18:45 FIXING THE BAD FIX (Demo)
8. 21:23 Implementing the Fix
9. 29:08 EPILOGUE


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