A Sabbath Rest for a Stressed Out World | God Designed the Sabbath for Mankind

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To learn more about the Sabbath, get our free booklet, "Which Day Is the Christian Sabbath" https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/order-... Why is this free? We are determined to follow Jesus’ command too "freely give" (Matthew 10:8).
Want to keep the Sabbath with the Living Church of God (the Church behind the Tomorrow's World Work)? Visit us at: https://www.lcg.org/

Do you need a break? Are you feeling stressed, worn out and overwhelmed? Let’s face it... We’re living in a world filled with ever-increasing demands on our time and attention. Children need to be fed, clothes washed, and bills paid. Commuting is stressful. And there’s on-the-job pressure, deadlines, and conflict. Many are working harder than ever, only to find it more difficult to make ends meet. And when they try to unwind, escapism often leads to addictions, anxiety, and more conflict. Our relationships suffer. Our health suffers. Real solutions seem beyond our reach.
If you’re suffering from the anxiety of living in the modern world, you’re not alone. According to the “Anxiety and Depression Association of America”, 18.1% of the population 18 or older suffers from some type of anxiety disorder every year. That’s 40 million adults. (“Facts and Statistics,” ADAA.org, accessed June 29, 2021).
But it’s not just in America. According to the “Our World In Data” website, “Globally an estimated 284 million people experienced an anxiety disorder in 2017.” (“Mental Health,” OurWorldInData.org, April 2018).
Clearly, many of us are feeling overwhelmed.
Is this how our Creator designed our life to be? If we’re anxious and depressed, how can we get out of that discouraging and even dangerous cycle?
There is an answer. And people around the world are discovering it. Would you like to know a secret that can turn your life around?
There is a way to find peace in a troubled world. And today on Tomorrow’s World, we’re going to dive into that topic, to find the source of that peace.
In a little while, I’m going to give you an opportunity to order our free literature, Which Day is the Christian Sabbath? It will open your eyes to the surprising truth about a key to peace and tranquility in an anxious world.
So stay tuned, I’ll be right back.
Welcome to Tomorrow’s World, where we help you make sense of your world through the pages of the Bible. Many of us today are exhausted and overwhelmed. We need a break. But where can you find the real solution to the frenetic lifestyle of our world? Let’s talk about that today.
In a recent online article, speaker and writer Jim Burns asked the following questions:
“Have you stopped enjoying life because you are too busy?” “Are you exhausted most of the time?” “Have you stopped developing new relationships?” “Are your children showing signs of stress?” Mr. Burns then added, “If you answered ‘yes’ to most of these questions, you are experiencing overload.” (“Are You Experiencing the Overload Syndrome?” HomeWord.com, June 21, 2021).
Does that describe your life right now? It does for many of us. But more and more people are turning to what might seem to be an unlikely solution. They are turning to the idea of a “sabbath.”
Do an Internet search and you’ll find out what I mean. Type in “Sabbath rest” or “Sabbath lifestyle” and you’ll discover pages of articles with advice for gaining peace and perspective, through this idea of “sabbath”. Here are some of the article titles I found in one Internet search:
“The gift of sabbath rest in an anxious age”
“How to Unleash the Power of Sabbath-Rest in your Life”
“Creating a Sabbath Lifestyle”
“How to Create a Sabbath-Simplicity Lifestyle”
And… “The Case for the Sabbath, Even if You’re Not Religious”
What all these articles have in common are a deep yearning to pause from the busyness of the modern world. More and more people are finding this idea of a sabbath intriguing.
Once again, writer and speaker Jim Burns puts it this way:
“In the beautiful Hebrew language, the word for rest is sabbath. Sabbath is more of a lifestyle choice than taking a nap or a day off to get some things done around the house. Sabbath living is the constant choice to live with margin in our lives. Margin is the space between our load and our limits. Margin is our mental, emotional, and spiritual strength. It’s our reserves, our breathing room, our energy, our vitality. Unfortunately, few of us have much margin in our lives.” (“Are You Experiencing the Overload Syndrome?” HomeWord.com, June 21, 2021).
This concept of “margin” is powerful, and very important. We do need “margin” in our lives. It’s the so-called white space on the edge of the pages of our lives. It means that not every moment is busy and accounted for.

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