Camino de Santiago Compostela Primitivo route, Day6 Berducedo to Grandas de Salime

Описание к видео Camino de Santiago Compostela Primitivo route, Day6 Berducedo to Grandas de Salime

This was the 6th day of my Camino de Santiago Compostela Primitivo route, Berducedo to Grandas de Salime. The beautiful scenery continued as my blistered feet has gradually recovered, therefore I could maintained my regular walking pace. It’s a long and downhill 20+ km trail. The Camino led us came to a beautiful Salime Reservoir which led to a small town Grandas de Salime. See for yourself to witness this beauty of Camino from my footage. There was an ancient church “Iglesia del Salvador” (Church of the Savior) at the center of this small town. It was (dated back 12th century). We’ve attended a mass specially arranged for pilgrims. It was a wonderful experience to have a mass during Camino in this small town.


今天是朝聖第六天. 這是一條 20 多公里長的下坡路。Camino 帶我們來到了美麗的Salime水庫,水庫通往 Grandas de Salime 小鎮。小鎮的中心有一座古老 12 世紀的教堂「Iglesia del Salvador」(救世主教堂)。我們參加了專門為朝聖者安排的彌撒(西班牙文, 貼心的神父中間偶爾也說英語讓我們容易進入情況), 在這麼個小鎮裡參與朝聖彌撒真是一次美妙的經歷, 彌撒前有一段為朝聖者準備的音樂祈禱, 我們在悠揚的樂聲中, 昇華了彼此的友誼在此告別一路陪伴天使般的葡萄牙姊妹們. I will miss you all.


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