How to Fly Fish- Beginner Fly Casting

Описание к видео How to Fly Fish- Beginner Fly Casting

How to fly cast for beginners. Capt. Chris Myers explains and demonstrates the basic fly fishing cast.

To begin the basic fly cast, start the flyrod down at the water and the line straight. (To learn how to straighten the line, watch my roll cast video) Begin lifting the line off the water slowly and smoothly. As soon as the fly line is out of the water (the leader and fly will still be in the water) increase your acceleration and come to a sudden stop causing the fly line to travel behind you and unroll off the tip of the rod in a candy cane shaped loop. Pause and do not move the rod while this loop unrolls. As soon as it is unrolled, begin moving the tip of the rod forward in a straight line with constant acceleration to a sudden stop that is travelling out towards your target. As soon as the loop begins to form off the tip of the fly rod travelling forward, follow through by lowering the rod tip back to the starting position.

This cast should be made with about 20-25 feet of fly line outside the tip of the rod. Your elbow will remain close to your body and you wrist should remain firm and not bend to move the rod.

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Capt. Chris Myers teaches fly casting and fishing in the Orlando area. You can also get your fly fishing cast analyzed online at Saltwater fishing charters near Orlando & Disney


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