Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Alexis Gautier

Описание к видео Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Alexis Gautier

With a dose of curiosity and not being afraid to be subject of his own art projects, Alexis Gautier talks about a few of his past acomplishments.

Short Bio:
Alexis Gautier is an artist based in Brussels and Brittany. He explores the relationships at play in cultural transactions and collaborations through the creation of narratives. Often made with other individuals, his work creates a space for exchanges and appropriation, weaving encounters, discoveries and misunderstandings.
In his art practice, Gautier works with a self-created network of social relations, creating collective narratives and translating them into textiles, sculptures, videos, stories, drawings and exhibition contexts.

His work can be seen as a visual encounter, created by Gautier’s collective narrative and vocabulary entering into real and fictional realms. He challenges notions of exchange, value and authorship by inviting other artists to write fiction together, creating a practice as a continuous process of collective meaning-making.

His work has been presented in Belgium and internationally in solo exhibitions such as Leopold-Hœsch Museum (Düren, 2022), JESTER /CIAP Kunstverein (2022), M Leuven (2021), ISLAND (Brussels, 2020), Basis (Frankfurt am Main, 2019), Blue Mountain School (London, 2018) and BOZAR (Brussels, 2017). Gautier took part to group exhibitions such as Manifesta (Marseille, 2020), New Wight Biennial (Los Angeles, 2020), La Galerie Imaginaire (Ecuador, 2020) and MuKHA (Antwerp, 2018).

A graduate of the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main (class of Gerard Byrne, Wu Tsang & Laure Prouvost) he is a researcher in the arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Antwerp and occasionally teaches at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. In 2022, Gautier was a resident of the WIELS in Brussels.

Gautier’s works are included in the collections of the S.M.A.K, the Flemish government, Museum M Leuven, Leopold-Hoesch Museum, MAC ‘s Grand Hornu and the Museum of Fine Arts of Liège. In 2020 he was awarded the Günther-Peill Stiftung (Düren, DE) and is supported by the Fondation des Artistes (Paris, FR) and the Flanders Art Fund.


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