#36 Who Does Abel Speaks Serve?

Описание к видео #36 Who Does Abel Speaks Serve?

Lets talk about who we serve. We support families who have chosen to carry a child with a life-limiting diagnosis. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the diagnoses we work with, including Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, and Inencephaly, and the comprehensive emotional and physical support we provide to the families.

We will also shed light on the timing and geographical scope of our services. We assure you that it's never 'too late' to approach us; whether you've just received the diagnosis, you're currently caring for your child, or you're grieving a loss, we stand with you. Initially based in Dallas-Fort Worth, we have now extended our reach to all U.S. states and eight different countries. Through this episode, our goal is to convey our message of hope and support to families across the globe. Our mission, our vision, and our unwavering commitment to serve you at any juncture of your journey will be laid bare in this enlightening episode.


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