Описание к видео 100%'ING TONY HAWK'S UNDERGROUND 2

I'd moved to LA to work at Neversoft as a Production Tester 1 week after graduating high school. I was eager to keep my place after THUG2 was done, so I was really dialed-in trying to write up every single thing, and clear out as many bugs as possible to try and stand out from ATVI QA. Aside from some skater handling problems, I think THUG2 came out alright especially compared to iterations later in the series.

This is my first time 100%'ing the game ever, and my 2nd time playing through the game since it's release.

This playthrough, we had some snags with crashes and we completely replayed story on Normal almost 2 full times due to just being absent minded lol. Anyway, hopefully it just adds more quantity for your sleep aids 🤝

0:00 Intro talkies
3:40 Create a Skater
17:07 Story on Sick
6:19:21 Classic on Sick
9:45:44 Story on Easy
12:44:12 Classic on Normal
15:10:35 Story on Normal
17:27:23 Story on Normal again
20:15:05 Gaps
1:01:34:08 we did it
1:01:36:08 THUG2 thoughts

How to install THUG2 PC:


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