Navigating Tinnitus & Meniere’s Disease and How to Find Relief - A User Story

Описание к видео Navigating Tinnitus & Meniere’s Disease and How to Find Relief - A User Story

Glenn shares his personal journey of living with tinnitus and Meniere's disease, and how he discovered techniques to help himself habituate to the condition. The discussion touches on the gaps in helping individuals find meaningful relief from tinnitus, the importance of awareness about habituation strategies among healthcare professionals, and the potential for future technological advancements to aid in tinnitus management.

Join us as we delve into the world of tinnitus, habituation, and finding relief on this insightful and informative episode of Tinnitus Unplugged.

To learn more about Glenn's journey visit

00:00 Teen experienced hearing issues, later diagnosed Meniere's.
06:01 Discovering techniques helped manage tinnitus and relax.
10:01 Negative impact of online health information overload.
12:46 Unexpectedly inspired to write a book.
14:11 Proactive approach detailed in book offers strategies.
20:03 Habitation can happen remarkably quickly for some.
20:59 Capacity for change and habituation in everyone.
24:13 Multisensory coping involves engaging all senses.
28:52 Sound sensitivity can be managed with patience.
29:57 Spike in suffering, hard to cope with.
33:27 Hope for tinnitus cure through technology-assisted habituation.
36:33 Marvelous, awe-inspiring, bewitching, stunning, remarkable, astonishing, miraculous.

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The information provided in this webinar is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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