YT66 What does the story of Noah’s (Nuh) son teach us about the whole Quran and about Supplication?

Описание к видео YT66 What does the story of Noah’s (Nuh) son teach us about the whole Quran and about Supplication?

In this segment we discuss the Importance of QurꜤānic stories (Quranic Qoranic stories) to understanding the rest of the Koran and to receive divine guidance.

We rely on the organic Quranic methodology, on the Abrahamic locution, and on the nested interpretation techniques to uncover the meanings and indications of the Quran verses.

In This Segment:
• Continuing the discourse on Zikr (Quranic stories and parables): 12 (new) evidentiary signs (verses or ayats) regarding the Abrahamic Locution indication of Zikr ذِكْر from the segment “Why No Mango and Pineapple in Quran?” which s the Quranic stories and parables.
• 9 Examples of Methodological Foundations related to the A.L. Indication of Zikr ذِكْر
• Important segment from Surah Hūd re. the story of Nūḥ’s son Verses 11:45 and 11:46
• Important Conclusion that every Muslim should know about the history of Islamic scholarship and Islamic sciences such as Tafseer or interpretation of Quran

The conclusion: During the last 1400 years, the Zikr (Quranic stories and parables), 60%+ of the QurꜤān, languished unattended.
Zikr has been relegated to those who turned our QurꜤān into mythology and children stories.
This left a wide-open, huge backdoor for those who wanted to validate their corrupted versions of the older scriptures, and who wanted to corrupt the interpretation of the Koran!

0:00 Intro
0:31 What's in Part 1-3 of this Series?
2:22 In This Segment
3:28 We Assume That You Understand
4:29 Reminder About Zikr ذِكْر
9:20 Importance of Abrahamic Locution in the Qur'an
10:32 Examples of Methodological Foundations Related to Zikr ذِكْر
10:45 Example Number 1
13:26 Example Number 2
14:33 Example Number 3
15:37 Example Number 4
18:01 Example Number 5
20:32 Example Number 6
25:06 Example Number 7
28:06 Example Number 8
39:03 Example Number 9
1:00:10 Proofs of the Interpretation of Example Number 9
1:12:24 Important Conclusion
1:20:49 Consequences
1:24:16 What you can do about this
1:25:38 Ending DuƐā'

To view the video titled "Why no Mango or Pineapple in the Quran?" watch
   • YT64 Why are only five fruit types me...  
To view the video titled "Does God Sit on a Throne?" watch    • YT54 Surah Al-Kahf(Surah 18):Does God...  

To view the videos on Abrahamic Locution start the playlist starting with this video    • YT21 Why did the Quran NOT MENTION CH...  

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Quran Translation and Commentary by Dr. Hany Atchan


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