The Academy - "How to Play Huttball (PvP)"

Описание к видео The Academy - "How to Play Huttball (PvP)"

Huttball is the most sports-oriented PvP match that has you carry the ball towards your enemy's goal line. You'll know you are in a huttball match if it either looks like you're in an arena on Nar Shaddaa or on a high platform on Quesh. The first team to 6 scores wins the match - or the team that has the highest score when the timer runs out.

How to PvP intro video:
   • The Academy - "How to PvP"  

Hutball 101 Forum Guide:


Academy Playlist:
   • The Academy - SWTOR Basics, Tips and ...  

Swtorista Twitter:   / swtorista  

Want to watch some pvp in action? Check out my guildmate Aravail's youtube channel! He's both the Imperial and Republic player in this video.
   / @aravail  


Interested in joining our guild on the Ebon Hawk? We do a little of everything from flashpoints to operations, welcome players of all skill levels to join, and are very community-focused. We look for mature players who enjoy playing and chatting together.

If you are on the Harbinger, you can learn more about the Ootinicast guild here:


Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to proof-reading and giving suggestions for the PvP episodes of The Academy, including but not limited to... /u/NikStalwart, /u/SWTOR_VEGA, /u/Simpumba, Zulthon, sumquy, Greezt, snave, VixenRawR, Clouderino, Schoock and my guildmates Aravail, Sweetbunny, Zach and a few more who put up with me while filming my episodes and helped answer some of my questions while we played!
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