Why we need to talk about porn | Jo Robertson | TEDxChristchurch

Описание к видео Why we need to talk about porn | Jo Robertson | TEDxChristchurch

Warning: This talk contains explicit verbal descriptions of aggressive pornography.

With one in four children being exposed to online porn by the age of twelve or younger, it's critical we know what they're seeing—and it's critical we talk to them about it. Jo Robertson is a sex therapist who researches porn. In this gut-wrenching and unflinching talk, she explains the new porn landscape, the potential impacts on our kids, and how to get past the awkwardness and have the healthy conversations we need to have. Jo Robertson is the Research and Training Lead for The Light Project, a charitable trust equipping youth, whānau and professionals to navigate the new porn landscape.

From an early age, Jo knew she wanted to serve people; she had a strong concern for those who felt no one was listening to them. This compelled her to train in social policy, counselling and sexual health, and to earn her Master’s of Science in sex therapy, with a focus on the consumption rates and impacts of porn on adolescents.

After completing her education and training, Jo went on to work in trauma and abuse counselling roles with children and young people; she now works in private practice as a sex therapist, helping couples restore intimacy, or with problematic sexual behaviours.

Jo is married to an exceptional man named Dave who runs a youth mentoring organisation, and has three young boys. Like all parents, she is very low on sleep, self-care and showers. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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