Space Weather and Coronal Mass Ejection | Maire Goreman | TEDxAberystwyth

Описание к видео Space Weather and Coronal Mass Ejection | Maire Goreman | TEDxAberystwyth

Dr Maire Goreman talks about the 1859 Carrington event and the science behind how we might predict the next similar event. In 2012 the Earth missed a similar event by 9 days which had the potential to take out power and telecomuunications infrastructure. Recovery would have taken 4 years and trillions of dolalrs. Dr Maire Gorman is an associate Lecturer in the physics department where she specialises in teaching planetary and atmospheric physics. Her research focuses on calculating the wavelengths of light emitted by different molecules which are of interest in various astronomical settings such as exoplanets, stars, “failed” stars and the Inter-stellar Medium. Maire was born in Aberdeen and moved to Aberystwyth in January 2016. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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