Spot ERV/HRV Side Effects: Why I Avoid Lunos or Panasonic All-In-One Ductless Ventilation

Описание к видео Spot ERV/HRV Side Effects: Why I Avoid Lunos or Panasonic All-In-One Ductless Ventilation

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We tend to get focused on products instead of systems when we're trying to solve our problems. Unfortunately, there is never a silver bullet or a simple answer to most home performance challenges.
Here's why the spot ventilation and switching HRV/ERV products out there won't properly ventilate in most airtight homes out there: they don't create a reliable pressure imbalance within the home, which you need in airtight homes because you can't use one-way exhaust fans (   • Borderline of Balanced Tight Home Ven...  ) except in the kitchen (   • 3 Rules for Kitchen Make Up Air Syste...  ).

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