The End of Fleetway Super Sonic (Final Appearance)

Описание к видео The End of Fleetway Super Sonic (Final Appearance)

This is it! The final battle and conclusion to the Sonic Adventure game adaption arc and also the final canon Sonic The Comic story to have a retail release. Super Sonic has returned and has made contact with Perfect Chaos! Super Sonic wants the chaos energy from Perfect Chaos to revive him and save him from certain death, though Sonic worries that if Super Sonic gets his powers back he will become evil once again. The exciting final story for STC is now! Updated soundtrack straight from the popular rhythm game Friday Night Funkin, FNF "Chaos", which just recently added a certain Yellow Hedgehog. As some have requested, the instrumental version has been used instead. Enjoy!

Watch the complete History of Fleetway Super Sonic Retrospective here -
   • The History of Fleetway Super Sonic (...  

For more Sonic The Comic, don't forget to subscribe!    / @sonicthecomic  

Welcome new subscribers and viewers who have come from the huge influx of traffic as a result of the new Friday Night Funkin mod featuring a certain Yellow Hedgehog. I hope you enjoy learning more about Fleetway's Super Sonic and maybe even stick around to see what Sonic The Comic is all about here on the channel. Thank you!

Sonic The Comic Retrospectives Playlist
   • Sonic The Comic Retrospectives  

This video featuring scenes issue 184 from STC.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Point of no return!
Script: Nigel Kitching
Art: Richard Elson
Lettering: Ellie De Ville

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Sonic and Amy Kiss! - Full Scene
   • Sonic and Amy Kiss! - Full Scene  

Watch many more classic moments like this in the STC Full Scenes Playlist here!
   • Sonic The Comic Full Scenes  

To watch full STC issues click this link to take you to the
Sonic The Comic YouTube playlist featuring all 223 issues.
   • (Fleetway) Sonic the Comic issues 1 -...  

The very talented Sonic The Comic team!
The editorial team,
Richard Burton, Deborah Tate, Audrey Wong
Clair Gilmour, Gary Knight, Charles Wrigley, Jason McEvoy, Paul Shubrook, Steve Cook
Featuring the talents of writers,
Nigel Kitching, Mark Millar, Lew Stringer, Mark Eyles, Alan McKenzie.
And artists,
Richard Elson, Kev Hopgood, Carl Flint, Keith Page, Ed Hillyer and Casanovas/John M Burns, Nigel Dobbyn, Nigel Kitching, Mick McMahon, Mike White, Jon Howard, Bob Corona, Anthony Williams, Dermot, Power, D.J Boyann.
Tom Frame, Steve Potter, Ellie de'Ville, Elitta Fell, Gorden Robson.

Credits -

Music used
Chaos by Jacaris (Instrumental) [Friday Night Funkin: VS Sonic.EXE]
   • Chaos by Jacaris (Instrumental) [Frid...  

Rightburst Ultra
   / @rightburstultra6484  
Friday Night Funkin': Vs. Sonic.Exe (UPDATE 2 OUT)
A Mod for Friday Night Funkin'

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If you enjoy these videos and feel you'd like to donate to support the production of the next one, then you can make a cheerful donation here. Any amount will be immensely appreciated. Thank you!

Channel supports!
Ospyro3em, AwesomeJacketDude
Thank you!

00:00 - Showdown
00:27 - Perfect Chaos Defeated!
00:48 - The Demon Returns
01:24 - Sonic vs Super Sonic! The Final Battle
03:11 - The end of Super Sonic?
03:30 - It's over. We won.

Sonic The Comic is copyright © Egmont Magazines Ltd. Sonic The Hedgehog and all related characters © SEGA. Other characters belong to their creators. All music is also copyright SEGA.*
#FleetwaySuperSonic #FNF #FleetwaySonic


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