Blue Sky ver.2023【Hiroshi Yoshimura Music】

Описание к видео Blue Sky ver.2023【Hiroshi Yoshimura Music】

Blue Sky

Words & Music & Arranged by Hiroshi Yoshimura


繰り返す争いの音 何を残す恐怖に追われて
考えちゃ ふさぎ込むけど 閉じた瞼の向こうに自由はある

心地良い朝 願い叶えと いつだって想ってる 深く刻むから
大丈夫さ 悩み悲しみ倒れてしまっても また立ち上がれるから
引き返さずに歩いて行こう この青空の下で

助けてと言えない 差し伸べられた手も握れない

悲しさ飲み込む喜び 必死に探すんだ 好き嫌い掻き分け
繕うほど見えなくなってゆく 浮かべた見返り醜さで澄んだ未来が

昨日よりずっと近付けている 確かさ感じてる 見えない事でも
いつか君がもがき苦しんだ その過去さえも背中を押してるから
怖がらずに笑っていなよ この青空の様に

心地良い朝 願い叶えと いつだって想ってる 深く刻むから
昨日よりずっと近付けている 確かさ感じてる 見えない事でも
いつか僕等がもがき苦しんだ その過去さえも背中を押してるから
引き返さずに歩いて行こう この青空の下で

Blue Sky

Words & Music & Arranged by Hiroshi Yoshimura

When I was vaguely looking at the endless sky
I felt like I could become a gentle swimming bird
This small me is trampled on as a forgotten memento
I hated adults who threw away meaning

Chased by fear, what are you leaving behind?
Thinking about it makes her depressed, but there's freedom behind closed eyelids

A pleasant morning, she always thinks that her wish will come true
It's okay Even if she falls down in her worries and sorrows, she can stand up again
Let's walk without turning back, under this blue sky

You can't say help and
You can't even hold the hand that someone extended
Sometimes unload your luggage and pamper yourself

The joy of swallowing sadness, desperately looking for it
The more I patch it up, the more I lose sight of it
The future that's clear from the ugliness that you floated

Much closer than yesterday
I feel certainty, even if I can't see it
Someday you struggled and suffered, because even that past is pushing your back
Don't be afraid to smile, just like this blue sky

I'm always thinking about making my wish come true on a pleasant morning, because I'll engrave it deeply
I'm getting closer than yesterday
Someday we struggled and suffered, because even that past is pushing our backs
Let's walk without turning back, under this blue sky


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