Dreo Pilot Max 120° Oscillating Tower Fan Review and Unboxing 2022

Описание к видео Dreo Pilot Max 120° Oscillating Tower Fan Review and Unboxing 2022

Here is my review and unboxing of the Dreo Pilot Max 120° Oscillating Tower Fan. I show the assembly of the tower fan, I go through the different features and functions. I show how to connect the fan to the smartphone app and in the end I give my final thoughts and review. Let me know what you think!

Dreo Pilot Max Link:..... https://amzn.to/3AJ4gN2

My Main Channel: ........ https://bit.ly/3RklB50

Check out my cover of "Bad Habits" by Ed Sheeran:    • Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits [Full Cover]  

NEW Shirt with map:..... https://amzn.to/2UwIVjn
Shirt With My Face:....... https://amzn.to/2P6IpHs

Aquamigos T-Shirt:........ https://amzn.to/31p9vfP
Aquamigos T-Shirt UK:.. https://amzn.to/32t3dxh
Aquamigos T-Shirt DE:.. https://amzn.to/32wA2ZW

My English Reaction Channel:..... https://bit.ly/3ltOOvZ
My Spanish Reaction Channel:.... https://bit.ly/2SOcyQe

Facebook:..... https://bit.ly/2uZxoNk
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SnapChat:...... hiimtobias
SoundCloud:.. https://bit.ly/2UaMDNE

Song credits: MIHAO Arcade Main, Soul Prod Music Bon Voyage

#dreo #dreotowerfan #towerfan


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