Psychiatry residency match for IMGs: What programs want

Описание к видео Psychiatry residency match for IMGs: What programs want

Why is Psychiatry residency match becoming harder for IMGs and how can applicants improve their residency match chances in Pychiatry? We interviewed Dr. Vipan Kumar, who is also involved in residency interviews at Morehouse School of Medicine for the Psychiatry residency. As a former IMG himself, he gives specific tips if you want to improve your ERAS CV, Personal statement, research and other aspects of your profile for a successful residency match as foreign medical graduate in Psychiatry.
Other questions we answer include
How competitive is psychiatry residency?
Which residency programs are IMG friendly?
Is psychiatry residency becoming more competitive?
How do psychiatrists match their residency?
img friendly psychiatry residency programs?
Can I get psychiatry residency with low step 1 score?
how to prepare for psychiatry residency?
what step 1 score does does psychiatry need?
how to get into psychiatry residency?
least competitive psychiatry residency programs?
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resources for psychiatry residency
Visit our website to see how we can help you with USMLE Residency Match for IMGs, ERAS CV, Personal statement for residency, USMLE step 1, Step 2 CK, rotations/electives, Research publications or Communication skills/OET for USMLE


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0:00 Agenda
0:40 Introductions
2:24 Day in life
4:38 Why Psych match is hard
7:27 Skills programs want
10:08 Research for Match
11:10 USCE
15:00 Tips for applicants


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