Queen Elizabeth and Tom Cruise became secret friends before her death

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Title: Queen Elizabeth and Tom Cruise became secret friends before her death

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Description: Tom Cruise and the queen reportedly became close just before her passing away according to recent reports.

The top gun actor really hit it off with her, a source told Sunday Times of London.

He even appeared as part of her platinum jubilee celebrations though the late queen had mobility issues so couldn’t meet him but did go out of her way to meet him later even having tea with him.

“The Queen let it be known that she was really disappointed not to have met Tom at the pageant, so he was invited to have a special tour of Windsor Castle with everything laid on for him. Afterwards, just the two of them had tea together,” the source said.

The two got on so well, he was invited back for lunch, however unfortunately passed away before a follow up lunch could be arranged.

Before appearing for the pageant, Tom spoke about how much he liked and respected the queen in an interview in may.

“She’s just a woman that I greatly admire. I think she is someone who has tremendous dignity and I admire her devotion. What she has accomplished has been historic,” he said at the time.

Tom cruise is known for his charm and charisma, as is the queen. It’s no wonder they hit it off straight away. No doubt the two would have become great friends had they met earlier.


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