Facebook Group Vs. Kajabi Community: Which is Better for Your Membership Site? (Day 62 of 90)

Описание к видео Facebook Group Vs. Kajabi Community: Which is Better for Your Membership Site? (Day 62 of 90)

Facebook Group Vs. Kajabi Community: Which is Better for Your Membership Site? ►► Get your 30-day FREE trial of Kajabi + FREE 45-Minute One-on-One Zoom Call with me & My $25,000 Course Launch Email Template: https://www.lanesebring.com/kajabi

When it comes to your membership site, should you host the community aspect of it on Kajabi or just use a free facebook group? There are pros and cons to both, but ultimately I believe the better choice is Kajabi. In this video, I'll weigh the pros and cons and give my reasons why I choose Kajabi.

*Crush it on Kajabi in 90 Days - What’s it all About?*

In this series, I'm uncovering everything you need to CRUSH it on Kajabi!

Click to replay: Facebook Group Vs. Kajabi Community: Which is Better for Your Membership Site? (Day 62 of 90)    • Facebook Group Vs. Kajabi Community: ...  

Days 1-29 of the series, click here:    • Crush It On Kajabi in 90 Days  

Day 30: Getting Your Mini Course READY to LAUNCH    • Getting Your Mini Course READY to LAU...  
Day 31: Create an Offer for your Mini Course (Day 31 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Create an Offer for your Mini Course ...  
Day 32: Building a Sales Page for your Course on Kajabi    • Building a Sales Page for your Course...  
Day 33: Steps to Killer COPYWRITING for your Online Course    • Steps to Killer COPYWRITING for your ...  
Day 34: Two Options for SALES VIDEOS for your Online Course    • Two Options for SALES VIDEOS for your...  
Day 35: Kajabi: The Simple Path to Making $3,000 a Month (Day 35 of 90)    • Kajabi: The Simple Path to Making $3,...  
Day 36: Increase Course Sales with Tiered Pricing on Kajabi (Day 36 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Increase Course Sales with Tiered Pri...  
Day 37: How to Get Raving Testimonials For Your Course    • How to Get Raving Testimonials For Yo...  
Day 38 Building a Checkout Page on Kajabi (Day 38 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Building a Checkout Page on Kajabi (D...  
Day 39 Kajabi Email Sequences (Day 39 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Kajabi Email Sequences (Day 39 of 90)...  
Day 40 Kajabi: Build a Winning Email Welcome Sequence (Day 40 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Kajabi: Build a Winning Email Welcome...  
Day 41 Kajabi: Build a Killer Pre-Launch Email Sequence    • Kajabi: Build a Killer Pre-Launch Ema...  
Day 42 Build an Email Launch Sequence on Kajabi (Day 42 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Build an Email Launch Sequence on Kaj...  
Day 43 Building Kajabi Pipelines    • Building Kajabi Pipelines (Day 43 of ...  
Day 44 What to do During Launch Week of Your Course    • What to do During Launch Week of Your...  
Day 45 How Many Sales Should You Expect When Launching Your Course?   • How Many Sales Should You Expect When...  
Day 46 Kajabi: Offer a Payment Plan after Launch Week    • Kajabi: Offer a Payment Plan after La...  
Day 47 Kajabi: Use Cart Abandonment Emails to Increase Course Sales    • Kajabi: Use Cart Abandonment Emails t...  
Day 48 Starting Your Online Business on Kajabi? Do this! (Day 48 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Starting Your Online Business on Kaja...  
Day 49 Launch Model or Evergreen? Which is Better for Your Online Business? (Day 49 of 90)    • Launch Model or Evergreen? Which is B...  
Day 50 Kajabi: Build an Evergreen Email Launch Sequence    • Kajabi: Build an Evergreen Email Laun...  
Day 51What to do AFTER You Launch a Course    • What to do AFTER You Launch a Course ...  
Day 52 Three Ways to Increase Revenue in Your Online Business    • Three Ways to Increase Revenue in You...  
Day 53 Raise the Price of Your Online Course    • Raise the Price of Your Online Course...  
Day 54 Kajabi: How to Grow Your Email List    • Kajabi: How to Grow Your Email List (...  
Day 55 Kajabi: Increase Revenue by Building a New Course (Day 55 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • Kajabi: Increase Revenue by Building ...  
Day 56 Plan out Your Flagship Online Course    • Plan out Your Flagship Online Course ...  
Day 57 Why Hitting $1,000 a Month Changes Everything    • Why Hitting $1,000 a Month Changes Ev...  
Day 58 How to Make Business Growth Inevitable    • How to Make Business Growth Inevitabl...  
Day 59 You DON'T Have to be an Expert    • You DON'T Have to be an Expert (Day 5...  
Day 60 How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome    • How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome (Da...  
Day 61 How to Manage Your Audience on Kajabi (Day 61 of 90) Crush it on Kajabi    • How to Manage Your Audience on Kajabi...  
Day 62 Facebook Group Vs. Kajabi Community: Which is Better for Your Membership Site? (Day 62 of 90)    • Facebook Group Vs. Kajabi Community: ...  
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