Śrī Gopinathji | | Episodes of Grace Podcast | Season 1 Ep.6 | Podcast

Описание к видео Śrī Gopinathji | | Episodes of Grace Podcast | Season 1 Ep.6 | Podcast

#EpisodesofGrace #pushtimarg #pushtimargpodcast

Welcome to “Episodes of Grace,” an initiative by Shri Vallabhacharya Pragatya Pith Champaranya.

The Episode describes Journey of Śrī Gopinathji. The 2nd Acharya of Pushtimarg. Know the facts, his role and his importance in the Sampradaya whom we so dearly call as Vallabha Nandana.

Join us as we explore these sacred teachings with our founder, Goswami 108 Śrī Anugrahkumarji Mahodayshree @goswami_anugrah, and featuring Aditya Shastri - The Modern Monk @adithemodernmonk

Together, we’ll help you learn, serve, and embrace the divine path.

Walk this path with us, discovering the truths of our tradition and spreading the word among all our Vaishnav followers.

Engage in our conversation, and stay tuned for enlightening episodes!

#youth #podcast #vedicwisdom #pushtimarg #dharmatalks #sacredteachings #spirituallearning #vaishnavsampraday #episodesofgrace


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