[GANG] "Blade of Justice" 100% by Manix648 & more (Extreme Demon)

Описание к видео [GANG] "Blade of Justice" 100% by Manix648 & more (Extreme Demon)

Gang with ‪@Faithvlrt‬
Thumbnail by ‪@크리싸개‬
144/240FPS CBF ON #geometrydash
34th Extreme Demon

[Level Name] Blade of Justice
[Level Creater] 마닉스
[Level Code] 아잉몰라요
[In-Game Difficulty] Legacy
[Personal Difficulty] Harder than BB
Harder Than BB
Low Easier than Artfice

《Total Attempt》2,201 (299 old)
《Hardest Part》 ufo
《Fail 80%+ 》
83 85×2 90 91 93 94 95 96 wtf

Total death : 9

Comment :

별로 깰때쯤 매어템마다 듀얼감

쉬발 드디어 닉변 ㄴㅇㅅ

‪@Harusalee_Uner‬ 화이팅


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