Kako zelena je zelena energija? | Rafael Mihalič | TEDxLjubljana

Описание к видео Kako zelena je zelena energija? | Rafael Mihalič | TEDxLjubljana

Ste navdušeni nad pridobivanjem električne energije iz obnovljivih virov ali zagovorniki tradicionalnih - zagotovo nihče ne bo ostal ravnodušen ob energičnem in morda presenetljivem podajanju primerjav med obema vrstama virov? Zakaj je vlaganje v zelene vire energija navadna potegavščina in kako vse to vpliva na stabilnost elektroenergetskega sistema?

Are you excited about renewable electrical energy sources or are in favour of traditional ones - one thing is curtain, you will not be left indifferent after this energetic and in a way suprising feed of comparisons between both group of sorces? Why investments in green sources are actually nothing but a hoax and how all that is affecting electrical power system?

Redni profesor in predstojnik Katedre za elektroenergetske sisteme in naprave ter Laboratorija za preskrbo z električno energijo na Fakulteti za Elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani (FE UL) ter član CIGRE in IEEE. Doktoriral, magistriral in diplomiral je na FE UL, v času podiplomskega študija je delal v SIEMENS AG Erlagen v Nemčiji. V okviru raziskovalnega dela je bil na strokovnih izpopolnjevanjih in gostovanjih v Nemčiji, Švici, Veliki Britaniji in Grčiji.

Full time professor and head of the Department of Power Systems and Devices and Laboratory of Electric Power Supply at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana (FEE UL) and member of CIGRE and IEEE. He finished PhD, Master´s and undergraduate study at the FEE UL, during postgraduate study he was working in SIEMENS AG Erlagen in Germany. He atended expert upgradings and was a guest in Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain and Greece.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


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