Doctor Who: Series 4 (2008). Time and Donna's Relatives in Space.

Описание к видео Doctor Who: Series 4 (2008). Time and Donna's Relatives in Space.

#doctorwho60thanniversary #doctorwho #whoniverse
Stam Fine Reviews looks at the Fourth Series of Doctor Who from 2008, David Tennant's third year in the role. This season he's joined by Catherine Tate as Donna Noble and visits Pompeii, meets the Ood again, and Agatha Christie, and Dr River Song, and the Sontarans, and the Daleks, and Davros. If that's not enough, most of his recent travelling companions pop up.

0:00 Introduction
0:41 Series 4
1:46 Time Crash
2:55 Voyage of the Damned
6:58 Penny or Donna
8:50 Partners in Crime
9:54 Fire of Pompeii
11:35 Planet of the Ood
13:05 Sontaran Strategem/ Poison Sky
16:00 The Doctor's Daughter
17:45 Unicorn and the Wasp
19:00 Silence in the Library/ Forest of the Dead
21:36 Midnight
23:07 Turn Left
24:25 Stolen Earth/ Journey's End
31:58 Summary


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