Early Years Foundation Stage at The Aquila School

Описание к видео Early Years Foundation Stage at The Aquila School

We use Dubai, the exciting plans for the future of Dubai, and the unique culture and heritage of the UAE, to make learning relevant and exciting for our children. In all classes we encourage the children to make choices and to become resilient, to ensure that every child makes as much progress as possible.

Early Years:
At The Aquila School we understand the importance of children leading their own learning and learning through structured play. Our Foundation Stage children will have access to a number of learning areas both indoors and outdoors.

The curriculum followed in FS1 and FS2 is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, adapted by our staff to have a global dimension and to be relevant to children living here in the UAE. From FS1 the children will have the opportunity to take part in weekly PE, swimming and music lessons with specialist teachers. Both native and non-native speakers will take part in Arabic lessons throughout the week.

Areas of learning in Foundation Stage:

- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics Development
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design

Beyond the Classroom:

Students at The Aquila School are provided with many opportunities to develop and thrive. Learning is not limited to the classroom, but can also take place outdoors or through an educational visit, or a community service project. Lessons are lively, fun and challenging, and provide children with many opportunities to think critically and independently.

Social and Emotional Development:

In addition to the British curriculum, our school values, ethos and teaching approaches encourage children to develop collaborative enquiry skills, and understand that they are important individuals who can make a positive difference to the lives of others. Our aim is to promote curiosity, to encourage students to ask questions, and to teach them to use their skills and knowledge confidently in real life situations.


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