my Afton family and other react/watching to let me out in Gacha Nebula 🎃{°•Halloween special •°}🎃

Описание к видео my Afton family and other react/watching to let me out in Gacha Nebula 🎃{°•Halloween special •°}🎃

🎃 Happy Halloween everyone 🎃

here's the Video link if you want to watch it 🫠    • 🔓 LET ME OUT | FNAF SONG COLLAB 🔓  

Hi there , I'm Asherayta and this is my YouTube channel and I hope you enjoy my videos, thanks for watching and enjoying your time 😉🍪
sorry if the characters did not look like they were reacting but I've tried 😅
maybe I didn't know how to make them react 🤔
But maybe next time I'll try in different way, I don't know but we'll see 😉

My accounts:
my channel 1: is this one you are in now
my channel 2: Silverina
my channel 3:    / @rosie.9   (for my resting time)
Instagram:   / asheraytarose_crystal  
Discord: glitchtrap.91 (DM are open)
My server:   / discord  

have a cookie to bright up the mood 😉🍪

#fnaf #reaction #aftonfamily #glitchtrap #myau #fnafsong #fnafreacts


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