Landmarks on tooth surfaces |Part3| FOSSA | Dental Terminology | Tooth landmarks | Dental Anatomy

Описание к видео Landmarks on tooth surfaces |Part3| FOSSA | Dental Terminology | Tooth landmarks | Dental Anatomy

A fossa is an irregular depression or concavity.

Lingual fossae are on the lingual surface of incisors.

Central fossae are on the occlusal surface of molars. They are formed by the convergence of ridges terminating at a central point in the bottom of the depression where there is a junction of grooves.

Triangular fossae are found on molars and premolars on the occlusal surfaces mesial or distal to marginal ridges. They are sometimes found on the lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors at the edge of the lingual fossae where the marginal ridges and the cingulum meet.

Check out our other videos on Landmarks on tooth surfaces with the following links

PART 1: CUSPS -    • Landmarks on tooth surfaces |Part1| C...  
PART 2: RIDGES-    • Landmarks on tooth surfaces |Part2| R...  
PART 4: GROOVES AND PITS-    • Landmarks on tooth surfaces |Part4| G...  
PART 5: CINGULUM, TUBERCLE, MAMELONS-    • Landmarks on tooth surfaces |Part5| C...  

Reference for content-
Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion 10th edition

Also for your reference, check out the following video for better understanding

SURFACES AND RIDGES OF THE TOOTH-    • Surfaces and Ridges of teeth | Tooth ...  

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