Level 1 Cloud vs Ruby Weapon [4-8Live]

Описание к видео Level 1 Cloud vs Ruby Weapon [4-8Live]

I'll do my best to explain all that is going on here. First of all, Level 1 Cloud is achieved with a save game editor. Level 1 Young Cloud exists during the Nibelheim flashback but normal Cloud starts on Level 6. Level 1 Cloud has absolutely abysmal stats, level 7 Cloud strats usually involve counter mime and final attack combos but level 1 Cloud hardly has the mp to do anything. He is also extremely slow and does very little damage without a lot of help.

I never thought that something like this would be possible until I found a way to force Ruby into taking no turns at all, making pretty much anything possible. Usually people use dazers or Hades to stun Ruby, but the issue is when Ruby becomes unstunned the game will automatically give it a turn to attack if its atb is full. Even if you have a dazer primed and ready to go Ruby will always get a turn after the paralysis wears off before Cloud throws the dazer, and if you throw a dazer while Ruby is stunned it won't stack the effect, it will just simply miss. So it seemed impossible to perma-stun Ruby until I accidentally stumbled across a funny interaction with w-item and w-summon. Basically when you use 2 items with w-item (or 2 summons with w-summon) the first item goes off and then the game checks for interrupt actions. The only things that can interrupt w-item are limit breaks or counter attacks, but while the game checks for these time flows for a few seconds, then when it doesn't find one it will shoot off the second item. In this fight I layer the first and second item from w-item at the same time that Ruby loses paralysis. By doing this, the first item goes off, the game checks for interrupts and while doing this Ruby loses paralysis, then Ruby automatically ques up an attack as I stated earlier, but the second part of w-item resolves first. If that second item is a dazer this means that Ruby will be stunned even though it has already qued up an attack, and this causes that attack to be cancelled since it is now paralyzed and unable to attack. Doing this over and over again and counting the exact amount of time needed to layer the paralysis perfectly with w-item, we can successfully prevent Ruby from ever getting an attack!

The rest of the battle is pretty self-explanatory, KOTR does max damage thanks to Ultima Weapon, Hero Drinks and Magic Plus materia, but none of that is really necessary, it just speeds things up. We W-Summon Hades because it has the same exact effect as the dazers, by layering it correctly you can stun Ruby in the same way. The spider web is used to slow Ruby so Cloud gets his turn fast enough, as strange as it sounds slowing ruby actually causes paralysis to last longer as well. The first few times I tried this I couldn't find out why my timing was always off, until I realized that slowing him with Spider Web or Hades made paralysis longer and I needed to increase my count.

If you have any other questions about how this works, feel free to comment below, just please read my comments first to avoid repeat questions. Thanks!

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