Colin Nguyen, MD - Pediatric Neurologist Specializes in Child Epilepsy

Описание к видео Colin Nguyen, MD - Pediatric Neurologist Specializes in Child Epilepsy

Having a sick child in the hospital can be very scary for a parent, not to mention the child. Renown Children's Hospital is working to ensure their tiniest patients receive the best care possible (and parents have peace of mind) by adding more specialists, improving technology and providing more creature comforts for kids.

Renown Children's Hospital is adding more than a dozen pediatric specialists to boost its care for children in our community. Among the first new doctors is Pediatric Neurologist Colin Nguyen, M.D., who has done extensive work with epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. Specialists like Dr. Nguyen help keep care close to home for Renown’s youngest patients thanks to the generous support of the Pennington Foundation.

"We have our heart set on making an impact early on in life," Nguyen says.

Nguyen says his work in pediatric neurology is much different than dealing with adults. "We tend to see more developmental issues and genetic abnormalities," he says.

In this specialty, Nguyen says it's common to treat headaches and migraines, kids with developmental delays, movement abnormalities and behavior issues. He is working towards creating a robust epilepsy program at Renown Children's Hospital.

And Nguyen understands how heart-wrenching it can be to have a child in the hospital.

"On the inpatient side you see some of the sickest kids," Nguyen says. "This is probably the worst day for the families. So you kind of take that approach each day. It may be a good day for you or someone else, but it is one of the worst days when they are in the hospital."


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