基礎牛油曲奇餅乾 Basic butter cookies | 嚐樂 the joy of taste

Описание к видео 基礎牛油曲奇餅乾 Basic butter cookies | 嚐樂 the joy of taste

基礎的牛油曲奇餅乾 Basic butter cookies
濃濃的牛油香而且不會太甜,一不留神就吃了好幾塊 :D
★基礎曲奇餅乾做法 Basic cookies recipe★

無鹽奶油 Unsalted butter (室溫room temperature) 100克(g)
糖霜 Icing sugar 50克(g)
蛋液 Egg liquid (室溫room temperature) 20毫升(ml)
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 150克(g)

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