LCD Soundsystem - "Someone Great"

Описание к видео LCD Soundsystem - "Someone Great"

Someone Great is one of the songs I like best from LCD Soundsystems 2007 top list album Sound of Silver. I made a video for it in school, with a buddie, and I though someone would be interested to seeing it.

I hope I don't violate any rules or restrictions through uploading this. If I do, send me a PM and I'll remove the video or something. But mainly, see this as my humble tribute to the amazing group LCD Soundsystem! Buy their CD!

The video is recorded in Stockholm, Sweden, spring 2008.

Opinions about the vid:

"You know those feelings you get sometimes that can't be summed up with words, but that, every once in a while, get captured by the right song? Here ya go. And if that last sentence was a little cheesy, then just wait til you get a load of the melodramatic Swedish fan video."


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