免烤🫐蓝莓慕斯蛋糕/免打发/入口即化/Blueberry Mousse Cake/No baking and No whipping

Описание к видео 免烤🫐蓝莓慕斯蛋糕/免打发/入口即化/Blueberry Mousse Cake/No baking and No whipping

Blueberry Mousse Cake Recipe

Part 1
blueberry jam

蓝莓 300克
blueberry 300g
白糖 120克
sugar 120g
juice of half a lemon
盐 3克
salt 3g

Part 2
mousse cake base

奥利奥饼干 100克
Oreo Cookies 100g
无盐黄油 50克
unaltered butter 50g
(注:这是6个蛋糕底的量,此视频中只使用了3个蛋糕底,剩余3个将会用于下一期的芒果慕斯蛋糕。This is the amount for 6 cake bases, only 3 cake bases are used in this video, and the remaining 3 will be used for the next mango mousse cake.)

Part 3
Blueberry Mousse Paste

蓝莓果酱 200克
blueberry jam 200g
酸奶 200克
yogurt 200g
鲜奶油 250克
heavy cream 250g
白糖 30克
sugar 30g
吉利丁粉 15克
gelatin powder 15g
水 75毫升
water 75ml

mold size:3"D x 2.75"H



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