Illuminating the Path of Poetry: Boris Pasternak - Russian Poets of the Silver Age

Описание к видео Illuminating the Path of Poetry: Boris Pasternak - Russian Poets of the Silver Age

Welcome Poetry Lovers! Prepare to be transported into the captivating realm of Russian poetry as we delve into the life and works of Boris Pasternak, a towering figure of the Silver Age whose verses continue to enchant and inspire readers around the globe. In this enlightening episode of our video series, we explore the profound impact of Pasternak's poetry on the literary landscape of the 20th century.

As we journey through the tumultuous events of Russian history that shaped Pasternak's life and work, we uncover the timeless relevance and enduring power of his poetry. From his poignant meditations on love and loss to his courageous defiance of oppressive regimes, Pasternak's voice resonates with a clarity that transcends borders and generations.

Join us on this voyage of discovery as we celebrate the life and legacy of Boris Pasternak, a poet whose words continue to resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds. Don't miss out on this illuminating installment of our video series on the best Russian poets of the Silver Age. Like, share, and subscribe to explore more literary treasures from the depths of history. Let's honor the enduring spirit of Pasternak's poetry together and revel in its timeless beauty.

About Bella
Bella Cohen has written poetry for many years: in Russian language and in English. She was born in Kishinev, Moldova and immigrated to Israel with her parents as a teenager and later went to live in Los Angeles with her husband and two daughters. Bella worked as a teacher and a drama specialist for over 37 years. Currently, she is retired, enjoying her life in Florida. She uses her free time to write poetry and picture books for children. Bella is also a proud grandmother to her three beautiful grandchildren. Her poetry is romantic, sensual and wise based on her rich and versatile life experiences. There is no doubt that any poetry lover, regardless of gender or age, will finds poems in this collection that they he or she relate to.

Bella Cohen is a poet and has published two books of poetry.
1. Love, Life and Other Dilemmas, which can be found at the link below:
2. Soulful, which can be found at the link below:


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