Middle Grade Book Recommendation ✨| Fantasy 🐉| Magical 🧙‍♀️| Winter ❄️| Fall🍂

Описание к видео Middle Grade Book Recommendation ✨| Fantasy 🐉| Magical 🧙‍♀️| Winter ❄️| Fall🍂

Middle grade books are so cute and cosy in my opinion. People who don’t read middle grade are missing so much. Here are ten recommendations from me to you so you can feel the magic.

Books mentioned
1. A pinch of magic series by Michelle Harrison
2. Nevermoor series by Jessica Townsend
3. The extremely inconvenient adventures of Brontë mettlestone by Jacklyn moriarty
4. Green glass house by Kate Milford
5. The girl who drank the moon by Kelly barnhill
6. The graveyard book by Neil gaiman
7. Nevertell by Katherine orton
8. Frostheart by Jamie littler
9. Tea dragon society by Kelly O’Neil
10. The hatmakers by tamzin merchant

I really hope that you liked this video. Do let me know in the comments if you have middle grade book recommendations for me ❤️
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