How To Adjust & Align Your Motorcycle Chain | The Definitive Guide

Описание к видео How To Adjust & Align Your Motorcycle Chain | The Definitive Guide

0:00 Intro
1:28 Loose & Tight Chain Spots
1:47 Check for Chain Condition Steps (Keep or Replace)
3:55 Chain Slack Importance (Too Loose or Too Tight Risks)
4:37 What is the proper Chain Slack?
4:58 Ways to Check for Chain Slack (Side, Center, Paddock Stand)
5:26 Measuring & Adjusting the Chain Steps
9:08 Comparing Chain Slack Measurements on Side, Center, Paddock Stand
13:10 The Process to Follow
17:38 Axle Alignment
23:25 Proper Way to Tight the Rear Axle Nut
27:03 Thanks & Drive Safe

A slightly longer episode of my Dr Vstrom, medical video series but definitely worth watching as it is a step by step guide on Chain Adjustment & Alignment.

Among other things, the video evaluates different chain measurements as well as their differences in terms of the way these measurements / adjustments are made such as:

--On the Side Stand,

--On the Center Stand,

--On the Paddock Stand,

--& With a Rider onboard

This tutorial demonstrates on a 3rd Gen DL 650 Vstrom model but the steps are applicable to the entire Vstrom family & all other chain based motorcycles out there.

I have done such a video in the past & there is also an older one available in this channel but this one is full detailed so as to answer all the questions that subscribers still keep asking.

Post your comments/questions below, contact me on FB for advice, thoughts & tips.
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Your support means a lot to me whether its expressed as a dollar/euro sign or a simple thank you comment.

Thank you for watching & Ride Safe!


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