We, The Undersigned

Описание к видео We, The Undersigned

Winnipeg songwriter John K. Samson has been steadily gathering support to get the great First Nations NHL star from Riverton, Manitoba, Reggie "The Riverton Rifle" Leach into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

His song, www.ipetitions.com/petition/rivertonrifle/, written in the form of an online petition, has collected thousands of signatures from people around the world.

On Saturday, February 23rd, 2013, Samson and a choir of his comrades climbed the steps of the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto to perform the song for the last time.

They sang and marched en masse into the Hall, and as the final refrain reverberated Samson delivered a bona-fide submission putting forth Reggie Joseph Leach as a candidate eligible for election into honoured membership in the Hockey Hall of Fame.

We, The Undersigned, a short film by Tim Thompson, documents the extraordinary day.


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