How to Avoid Emotional Investing Mistakes

Описание к видео How to Avoid Emotional Investing Mistakes

In this #retirementtalk episode, we’ll explore how retirees and pre-retirees can avoid emotional investing mistakes that could derail your financial and retirement plans.

Learn how to define your financial goals and time horizon, incorporating risk and return based on your unique situation. Discover why diversifying your portfolio helps you find opportunities in volatile markets and the importance of an income plan to bridge gaps.

We’ll also cover why trying to time the market can lead to mistakes and how staying educated or working with a financial advisor can keep your emotions in check. Tune out the noise and stay the course!

The best way to understand how your portfolio will hold up in a high or low market is to get a Free second opinion!

Schedule a FREE Financial Plan Checkup with a Beacon financial advisor today. Give us a call @ (615) 488-3039 or schedule online:

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Article: "The Emotional Rollercoaster of Investing"

Article: "Bringing Stability to Your Retirement"

Article: "How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?"

‪@nasdaq‬ Article: "More Americans Are Worried About Running Out of Retirement Funds Than Dying, Survey Reveals"

‪@visualcapitalist8740‬ Article: "The Roller Coaster of Emotional Investing and Its Impact on Portfolios"

‪@fidelityinvestments‬ Article: "Three Charts on the Benefits of Staying Invested"

‪@CNBC‬ Article: "As Baby Boomers Hit ‘Peak 65’ This Year, What The Retirement Age Should Be Is Up For Debate"

‪@investopedia‬ Article: "How to Avoid Emotional Investing"

‪@dalbar‬ Website:

#investingtips #volatilemarket #politicalturmoil #financialplanning


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