Harari Zikri - Dawwazigna Nabi - Anwar Yusuf

Описание к видео Harari Zikri - Dawwazigna Nabi - Anwar Yusuf

This is one of a new track from the brand new album titled 'Allâhu Jalla Jalâluh' released April 2022. Dawwazigna Nabi translates to 'our medicine is our Prophet ﷺ'. [referring to our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ]

© Anwar Yusuf, 2022.

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The album is available for purchase in the United States, Canada and Australia.

Seattle, USA:
Ibrâhîm Wazîr 206 503 8644

Memphis, USA:
Sabrîna Mahammad 901 453 2239

Dallas, USA:
Ajabiya Sharîf 972 523 3923

Atlanta, USA:
Mahir 612 443 1163

Calgary, Canada:
Nabîl Yûsuf 403 919 3472

Toronto, Canada:
Bakkâla Dîni 416 829 7996

Edmonton, Canada:
Abdumâlik Garâdo 780 802 2832

Melbourne, Australia:
Mahammad Ibrâhim 61 401 806 589

Get your copy to enjoy Zâkir Anwar Yûsuf's new album!


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