No Perks Easter Egg Beast From Beyond | Solo Fate Flawless *No box / ninja weapons*

Описание к видео No Perks Easter Egg Beast From Beyond | Solo Fate Flawless *No box / ninja weapons*

I never thought I’d make it this far. Beast from Beyond is extremely brutal and unforgiving; everyone knows this, but this was next-level fucked up lol. Maybe harder than perkless Spaceland. The EE steps themselves are a cakewalk, but the boss fight was incredibly taxing. I will outline my strategy for the boss…

WEAPONS: You need some amount of speed and power to stand a chance. Running at “base speed” (no stam or speed weapons) is atrocious with these cryptids, plus the incline slopes and crate floors hinder your movement. I considered every feasible weapon combination to balance speed/power, and it was the first time I actually tried running box weapons for the perkless challenge. I hate hitting box though. My VPR gives me a slight speed boost and can kill stuff, and the EBR just makes rhinos easier; and being wall weapons gives me more attempts.

BOSS START: It begins normally, but the first wave of cryptids uses a slightly different approach. The portal camping spot didn’t work bc slow reloads - same with standing in the center - so I found a spot that staggered them just enough to get by. The next wave and the terminal phase is fairly normal, you just need good rng.

100 SECONDS: This is the worst by far. Every strategy must incorporate some form of training, even if it’s just to reload or jump crate-to-crate. Given my weaker firepower, I chose mostly training. After much experimenting, I devised routes for when specific sets of portals were on. Both a big outer loop route and training the entire time are dangerous bc cryptids despawn and reappear from portals. And unfortunately for this challenge I lose access to the catwalk because of the perks sitting there.

MAMMOTHS: Now after that hectic section, we immediately shift to a patient, balancing act. You’ll notice I try to be strategic about when to shoot to try and avoid covering important walkways with fire. Worst part is getting ammo (another reason Mauler dominates). The catwalk again would’ve been super helpful.

BOSS BATTLE: I also learned that cryptids/phantoms are much easier to one-shot in Boss Battle than the actual egg (even on a round 1 boss). That sounds like a minuscule difference but actually screwed me up several times during attempts and forced more adjustments.

Not to be too egotistical, but I found no evidence of anyone doing ALL of the FULL IW easter eggs to this level of handicap. Of course, I can think of a number of people capable of this feat, but I believe I am the first.
So…Mephistopheles? I will try but no promises 🙂 Even if that proves too difficult, I’m still very satisfied with what I’ve achieved here.
Thanks for watching ❤


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