Mixing Hack: Logic Tip To Get better at Mixing I logic pro x tutorial

Описание к видео Mixing Hack: Logic Tip To Get better at Mixing I logic pro x tutorial

In this video, I'm going to show you the plug-in that will change the way you mix! Check out my Timecodes...

If you're struggling with tonal balance or just want to improve your mixing skills, then watch this video and see how to use izotope's Tonal Control Balance software to get better results! This software is easy to use, so give it a try and see the difference it can make in your mixes!

0:00 Best tip to get better at mixing
0:18 The questions
0:43 What do I want my mix to sound like
1:09 Tonal Balance Control
1:25 The benefits of Tonal Balance Control
1:38 How to use Tonal Balance Control
2:18 Subscribe

download Tonal balance Control2:

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