New Coloring Books - 04/2021

Описание к видео New Coloring Books - 04/2021

Hello colorful friends,

I wish you much fun with the newest part of my coloring book collection.

Coloring Books:

1. Joyful Gardens - Angela Porter
2. Zauberhafte Mandalas - Alexandra Dannenmann
3. Dragon‘s Kingdom - Juliana Emerson
4. Zauberhafte Häuser zum Ausmalen - Anna Schönfeld
5. Colors for Life - Angela González
6. Regenbogen - Ursula Schwab
7. Flora Bella - Peggy Jo Ackley
8. Coloring Dragons - John Howe
9. A Million Cats - Lulu Mayo
10. Fright-And-Seek - Lei Melendres
11. Berättelser fran Skogsriket - Hanna Karlzon
12. Worlds of Wonder - Johanna Basford
13. Inktober 2020 - Colouring Heaven Collection
14. Tichá Noc - Vladislava Schafferhans
15. Comment La Princesse Elvire Crea Son Propre Royaume - Didier Lévy, Charlotte Gastaut, Albin Michel Jeunesse

If you have any suggestions or wishes please write it in the comments. I will try to answer your questions and consider your wishes in one of the next videos.

If you like to know more about my coloring journey you can also find me on Instagram as e.m.c.p

Have a nice time and happy coloring.


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