Le jour où tout a commencé. partie 1

Описание к видео Le jour où tout a commencé. partie 1

The young schoolboy, nicknamed the King of Punu 4.0, returns home after a long day of school to his house located in the heart of the forest. When he feels an urge to pee, he decides to relieve himself on a stone without realizing that there was an inscription underneath that read "ting ting". He then continues on his way and suddenly notices something completely white approaching him. Panicked, he starts running as fast as he can. The young schoolboy, out of breath, continues to run through the trees and bushes, trying to outrun this mysterious thing. He hears strange noises behind him, like footsteps or whispers, which only increases his fear. Finally, he arrives at the edge of the forest and sees his house in the distance. He finally feels safe and accelerates his race to reach the sanctuary of his home. Once inside, he realizes that he is sweating and is still trembling with fear. After calming down, the young schoolboy wonders what could have pursued him in the forest. He then realizes that the stone he peed on may have triggered something supernatural. Intrigued, he decides to return to the scene the next day to find out more about this mystery.


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