Young Screenwriters Conference 60s

Описание к видео Young Screenwriters Conference 60s

The Young Screenwriters' Conference is held each fall in conjunction with Shenandoah University and Alamo Drafthouse & Cinema-Winchester. The special program for aspiring screenwriters in grades 8-12 is sponsored by grants from the Marion Park Lewis Foundation and Nora Roberts Foundation. The Conference connects young people with industry professionals in a dynamic day-long program.
Project Write, Inc., is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Winchester, Va., that hosts writing workshops for aspiring writers in grades 4-7 and 8-12. Programs include in-person workshops in area schools and virtual workshops on Saturdays throughout the year and a week-long workshop at Shenandoah University in late June.
Visit or follow @ProjectWrite on your favorite social media.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 540-686-1221.


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