Les Légions Noires (1990 - 1997)

Описание к видео Les Légions Noires (1990 - 1997)

Short documentary and compilation about LN and all the participating bands.

Les Légions Noires it was a closed circle formed in the northern part of France, many of these bands played black metal or other genres such as ambient or noise, currently it remains a mystery about the materials made by said circle.

Their philosophy is based on anti-Christianity, satanism and vampirism. There are also other bands that talk about other topics such as loneliness or war.

Chapel of Ghouls - Prays to Nothingness [00:30 - 00:50]

Zelda - March 1991 Reh [00:50 - 01:10]

Mütiilation - Rites Through the Twilight of Hell [01:10 - 01:30]

Belathauzer - Melancholy of Evil Souls [01:30 - 01:50]
Belkètre - Studio Tracks 1993 [01:50 - 02:10]
Mütiilation - Ceremony of Black Cult [02:10 - 02:30]
Moëvöt - Abgzvoryathre [02:30 - 02:50]
Vlad Tepes - Rehearsal Winter '93 [02:50 - 03:10]

Satanicum Tenebrae - Voices of the Dark Call Me to Suffer [03:10 - 03:30]
Tsaévarya Vagézaryavtre - Vagézaryavtre [03:30 - 03:50]
Mütiilation - Satanist styrken [03:50 - 04:10]
Black Murder - Promo '94 [04:10 - 04:30]
Belkètre - The Dark Promise [04:30 - 04:50]
Belathauzer - Demo '94 [04:50 - 05:10]
Belkètre - Twilight of the Black Holocaust (Studio Tracks 1994) [05:10 - 05:30]
Mütiilation - Hail Satanas We Are the Black Legions [05:30 - 05:50]
Torgeist - Devoted to Satan [05:50 - 06:10]
Satanicum Tenebrae - Til helvete [06:10 - 06:30]
Vlad Tepes - War Funeral March [06:30 - 06:50]
Vlad Tepes - The Return of the Unweeping [06:50 - 07:10]
Mütiilation - Black Imperial Blood (Travel) [07:10 - 07:30]
Vlad Tepes - Celtic Poetry [07:30 - 07:50]
Moëvöt - Ézlèfbdrèthtr Vèpréub Zuèrkl Mazagvatre Èrbsèdréa [07:50 - 08:10]

Satanicum Tenebrae - Seul [08:10 - 08:30]
Black Murder - Those Black Desires That Torment My Soul [08:30 - 08:50]
Brenoritvrezorkre - Vasagraèbe éakr vatrè brenoritvrezorkre [08:50 - 09:10]
Mütiilation - Promo '95 [09:10 - 09:30]
Torgeist - Time of Sabbath [09:30 - 09:50]
Brenoritvrezorkre - Vèrmyaprèb [09:50 - 10:10]
Dvnaèbkre - Dvnaèbkre Zuèrkl Mogoutre [10:10 - 10:30]
Aäkon Këëtrëh - Journey into the Depths of Night [10:30 - 10:50]
Vlad Tepes - Into Frosty Madness [10:50 :11:10]
Vzaéurvbtre - Aux confins de l'errance [11:10 - 11:30]
Vlad Tepes - Brouillons I [11:30 - 11:50]
Vlad Tepes - Brouillons II [11:50 - 12:10]
Black Murder - Feasts [12:10 - 12:30]
Vlad Tepes - Dans notre chute... [12:30 - 12:50]
Vzaéurvbtre - Halte funèbre et mélancolique au sommet de rochers surplombant l'océan [12:50 - 13:10]
Vzaéurvbtre - Urvdrèm Uatrè Uètre [13:10 - 13:30]
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood [13:30 - 13:50]
Brenoritvrezorkre - Nèvgzérya [13:50 - 14:10]
Vlad Tepes - The Return of the Unweeping II [14:10 - 14:30]
Vèrmyapre Kommando - Vèrmyapre Kommando [14:30 - 14:50]
Vlad Tepes - Black Legions Metal [14:50 - 15:10]
Vlad Tepes | Belkètre - March to the Black Holocaust [15:10 - 15:30]
Brenoritvrezorkre - Èrvoelbtre [15:30 - 15:50]

Belkètre - Ambre Zuèrkl Vuorhdrévarvtre [15:50 - 16:10]
Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans la forêt... [16:10 - 16:30]
Susvourtre - Demo 1996 [16:30 - 16:50]
Vlad Tepes | Torgeist - Black Legions Metal [16:50 - 17:10]
Vèrmyapre Kommando - Crache­-la-­Mört [17:10 - 17:30]
Vlad Tepes - Morte Lune [17:30 - 17:50]
Torture - Torture [17:50 - 18:10]
Dzlvarv - 1996 Demo [18:10 - 18:30]
Seviss - Et pleure le bâtard... [18:30 - 18:50]

Vor.ulkr - Vutroè Varbrège [18:50 - 19:10]
Aäkon Këëtrëh - The Dark Winter [19:10 - 19:30]



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