Honest Reviews: Should I Subscribe to Lynda.com | Online Continuing Education for Creatives

Описание к видео Honest Reviews: Should I Subscribe to Lynda.com | Online Continuing Education for Creatives

Have you ever considered learning from lynda.com? I have learned most of my webdesign and graphic design from the great instrudtion at lynda.com.
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Maybe you had a lot of questions like I did:

Is lynda.com any good?
Is lynda worth the money?
How does lynda work?
What can I learn at Lynda?
Is Lynda.com good quality?

I bet you didn't know how simple it was to increase your income by learning these new skills. How can Lynda.com help you do this...?

Lynda.com is one of the longest, if not the longest, running suppliers of online training. Lynda, first began producing courses and selling them face-to-face. As the internet grew she began to offer her courses online through the virtual Lynda.com portal.

At the time of writing this review Lynda.com offers 6,243 online courses and they are continually growing!

Lynda.com was purchased by LinkedIn for $1.5 billion, that's right, billion dollars. This shows just how serious this company is about producing highly valuable educational resources.

Lynda.com Courses : My Experience
I started taking courses from Lynda.com in 2013, while going to College at a brick and mortar institution. I needed extra help if creative problem solving, typography, and web design. I was receiving my masters in graphic design and I found that I was still lacking in vital skills to build high quality projects at a masters level. Lynda.com boosted my abilities almost overnight. Lynda.com gave me the exact training I needed, because the instruction was from industry professionals ready to share their knowledge on the exact subject I was struggling with.

I learned how to code my first fully responsive website in just over 2 weeks wit Lynda.com training.

1 ) Lynda is a subscription based platform that gives you access to their 6000+ tutorials. The greatest benefit of Lynda.com is the Learning Paths. Before I started my education with Lynda.com I would bounce around from site to site trying to patch together some makeshift web design education for myself. This was highly unprofitable for my learning as well as a huge time waster. I would spend hours searching the web and maybe only receive 30 minutes of good quality web design instruction.

With Lynda.com, I signed up, selected a course and was learning within 15 minutes!

Here is a video tour of that first website I built by working with the instruction from Lynda.com

Lynda.com Courses: How it Works
You can get started with a free 30 day trial which is a fantastic way to find out how great it is to learn at Lynda.com. 

After that it is only $30 per month for the premium membership. I highly recommend the premium membership because it includes all the "working with" project files that help you easily follow along. Otherwise you waste your time building (and possible messing up) everything from scratch.

Once you sign up you will have access to all of the Lynda.com courses. Here are some of the benefit I have found to be incredible to me over the past 5 years.

Lynda.com Course: Honest Review Cons

This would not be an honest review if I did not give you a few of the cons I see with Lynda.com. Lynfrda.com is one of the highest recommended course from Jobs in the Future when it comes to design, creativity, business, coding/development, etc... But I have found that, as with most companies, they can't be amazing at everything!

Lynda.com is focused on the creative fields.
Design, web, motion graphics, illustration, app development, music,
Not updated daily
Because of the sheer scale of Lynda.com they do not release new
courses daily.
But as they continue to grow in personnel I have seen the volume
of courses increase dramatically.
They do not have a dedicated online community
They do not feature any forums for members to chat back and forth
inside the Lynda.com portal.

But with LinkedIn now being the owner of Lynda.com you can take to LinkedIn and possible contact the author of the course.


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WHERE I LEARN: (affiliate links)
Lynda.com ► http://bit.ly/2rQB2u4
edX.org ► http://fxo.co/4y00

MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links)
Camera ► http://amzn.to/2BWvE9o
CamStand ► http://amzn.to/2BWsv9M
Computer ► http://amzn.to/2zPeLvs
Mouse ► http://amzn.to/2C0T9hq
TubeBuddy ► https://www.tubebuddy.com/bengkaiser

► Download the Ultimate Guide Now!
( https://www.getdrip.com/forms/8833032... )

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