Wigner's Friend: The Measurement Problem with Quantum Circuits | Paradoxes Ep. 02

Описание к видео Wigner's Friend: The Measurement Problem with Quantum Circuits | Paradoxes Ep. 02

Wigner imagined that an observer measures another observer that measures a qubit - revealing a contradiction in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

In this video, Oxford PhD researcher Maria Violaris explains and resolves the measurement problem of quantum mechanics by presenting Wigner's friend using a quantum computer and demonstrates how to simulate the paradox yourself by coding quantum circuits with Qiskit.

Learn more at the Qiskit Blog: https://www.ibm.com/quantum/blog/wign...

Find all the code in this Jupyter Notebook: https://github.com/maria-violaris/qua...

Watch the previous video on Schrödinger's Cat:
   • Schrödinger's Cat Explained with Quan...  

New to qubits and quantum circuits? Check out the Understanding Quantum Information and Computation lecture series:    • Understanding Quantum Information and...  

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